1.) Racial Diversity of Characters: The tenants residing in each apartment unit look gorgeous. However, I feel that there should be more than one race. The lack of racial diversity seems plain.
2.) Text Display: When in game notifications show up, not all of the text is displayed. A few words are cut off of the end of the text box. This sometimes occurs when the message is long.
3.) Dog Leaves the Nest: At the time, I had retired tenants who moved out of "Sunny Heights". I didnt expect them to leave their dog behind. Eventually, Dog left "Sunny Heights". Dog, cat, pig, duck, or whatever pet should not be left behind by their owners. I find this very awkward.
4.) Door Left Open Glitch: There were instances where the main door was left open. The door would not close unless the tenants left the unit and returned home.
5.) Tenants Walking Through Furnishings: I am sure that these tenants are not ghosts. Oh dear.
6.) Inability to Name/Rename Pets: Having the ability to name pets would be nice. This should be a new feature. It would definitely be great to have "Fido" as a part of the family instead of "Dog".
7.) Expanding the Size of Constructed Apartment Units: I know that additional units may be purchased to expand the premises. However, I would like to expand the size of an individual unit that has already been purchased. This should be a new feature.
IGN: ermacaroni
Cerys McLean about Dream House Days, v1.14